


class ActionSpace[source]#

Bases: Container

Represents the environment action space.

abstract sample()[source]#

Sample the action space returning a random action.

class EmbodiedEnvironment[source]#

Bases: ABC

abstract add_object(name: str, position: Tuple[float, float, float] = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), rotation: Tuple[float, float, float, float] = (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), scale: Tuple[float, float, float] = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0), semantic_id: str | None = None, enable_physics: bool | None = False, object_to_avoid=False, primary_target_object=None)[source]#

Add an object to the environment.

  • name – The name of the object to add.

  • position – The initial absolute position of the object.

  • rotation – The initial rotation WXYZ quaternion of the object. Defaults to (1,0,0,0).

  • scale – The scale of the object to add. Defaults to (1,1,1).

  • semantic_id – Optional override for the object semantic ID.

  • enable_physics – Whether to enable physics on the object. Defaults to False.

  • object_to_avoid – If True, run collision checks to ensure the object will not collide with any other objects in the scene. If collision is detected, the object will be moved. Defaults to False.

  • primary_target_object – If not None, the added object will be positioned so that it does not obscure the initial view of the primary target object (which avoiding collision alone cannot guarantee). Used when adding multiple objects. Defaults to None.


The newly added object.

TODO: This add_object interface is elevated from HabitatSim.add_object and is

quite specific to HabitatSim implementation. We should consider refactoring this to be more generic.

abstract close()[source]#

Close the environmnt releasing all resources.

Any call to any other environment method may raise an exception

abstract get_state()[source]#

Return the state of the environment (and agent).

abstract remove_all_objects()[source]#

Remove all objects from the environment.

TODO: This remove_all_objects interface is elevated from

HabitatSim.remove_all_objects and is quite specific to HabitatSim implementation. We should consider refactoring this to be more generic.

abstract reset()[source]#

Reset enviroment to its initial state.

Return the environment’s initial observations.

abstract step(action: Action) Dict[Any, Dict][source]#

Apply the given action to the environment.

Return the current observations and other environment information (i.e. sensor pose) after the action is applied.

abstract property action_space#

Returns list of all possible actions available in the environment.


class RealRobotsEnvironment(id)[source]#

Bases: EmbodiedEnvironment

Real Robots environment compatible with Monty.


real_robots dependencies are not installed by default. Install real_robot extra dependencies if you want to use real_robot environment

add_object(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Add an object to the environment.

  • name – The name of the object to add.

  • position – The initial absolute position of the object.

  • rotation – The initial rotation WXYZ quaternion of the object. Defaults to (1,0,0,0).

  • scale – The scale of the object to add. Defaults to (1,1,1).

  • semantic_id – Optional override for the object semantic ID.

  • enable_physics – Whether to enable physics on the object. Defaults to False.

  • object_to_avoid – If True, run collision checks to ensure the object will not collide with any other objects in the scene. If collision is detected, the object will be moved. Defaults to False.

  • primary_target_object – If not None, the added object will be positioned so that it does not obscure the initial view of the primary target object (which avoiding collision alone cannot guarantee). Used when adding multiple objects. Defaults to None.


The newly added object.

TODO: This add_object interface is elevated from HabitatSim.add_object and is

quite specific to HabitatSim implementation. We should consider refactoring this to be more generic.


Close the environmnt releasing all resources.

Any call to any other environment method may raise an exception


Remove all objects from the environment.

TODO: This remove_all_objects interface is elevated from

HabitatSim.remove_all_objects and is quite specific to HabitatSim implementation. We should consider refactoring this to be more generic.


Reset enviroment to its initial state.

Return the environment’s initial observations.


Apply the given action to the environment.

Return the current observations and other environment information (i.e. sensor pose) after the action is applied.

property action_space#

Returns list of all possible actions available in the environment.


class OmniglotEnvironment(patch_size=10, data_path=None)[source]#

Bases: EmbodiedEnvironment

Environment for Omniglot dataset.

add_object(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Add an object to the environment.

  • name – The name of the object to add.

  • position – The initial absolute position of the object.

  • rotation – The initial rotation WXYZ quaternion of the object. Defaults to (1,0,0,0).

  • scale – The scale of the object to add. Defaults to (1,1,1).

  • semantic_id – Optional override for the object semantic ID.

  • enable_physics – Whether to enable physics on the object. Defaults to False.

  • object_to_avoid – If True, run collision checks to ensure the object will not collide with any other objects in the scene. If collision is detected, the object will be moved. Defaults to False.

  • primary_target_object – If not None, the added object will be positioned so that it does not obscure the initial view of the primary target object (which avoiding collision alone cannot guarantee). Used when adding multiple objects. Defaults to None.


The newly added object.

TODO: This add_object interface is elevated from HabitatSim.add_object and is

quite specific to HabitatSim implementation. We should consider refactoring this to be more generic.


Close the environmnt releasing all resources.

Any call to any other environment method may raise an exception

get_image_patch(img, loc, patch_size)[source]#

Return the state of the environment (and agent).


Remove all objects from the environment.

TODO: This remove_all_objects interface is elevated from

HabitatSim.remove_all_objects and is quite specific to HabitatSim implementation. We should consider refactoring this to be more generic.


Reset enviroment to its initial state.

Return the environment’s initial observations.

step(_action, amount)[source]#

Retrieve the next observation.

Since the omniglot dataset includes stroke information (the order in which the character was drawn as a list of x,y coordinates) we use that for movement. This means we start at the first x,y coordinate saved in the move path and then move in increments specified by amount through this list. Overall there are usually several hundred points (~200-400) but it varies between characters and versions. If the reach the end of a move path and the episode is not finished, we start from the beginning again. If len(move_path) % amount != 0 we will sample different points on the second pass.

  • _action – Not used at the moment since we just follow the draw path.

  • amount – Amount of elements in move path to move at once.


observation (dict).

switch_to_object(alphabet_id, character_id, version_id)[source]#
property action_space#

Returns list of all possible actions available in the environment.

class SaccadeOnImageEnvironment(patch_size=64, data_path=None)[source]#

Bases: EmbodiedEnvironment

Environment for moving over a 2D image with depth channel.

Images should be stored in .png format for rgb and .data format for depth.

add_object(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Add an object to the environment.

  • name – The name of the object to add.

  • position – The initial absolute position of the object.

  • rotation – The initial rotation WXYZ quaternion of the object. Defaults to (1,0,0,0).

  • scale – The scale of the object to add. Defaults to (1,1,1).

  • semantic_id – Optional override for the object semantic ID.

  • enable_physics – Whether to enable physics on the object. Defaults to False.

  • object_to_avoid – If True, run collision checks to ensure the object will not collide with any other objects in the scene. If collision is detected, the object will be moved. Defaults to False.

  • primary_target_object – If not None, the added object will be positioned so that it does not obscure the initial view of the primary target object (which avoiding collision alone cannot guarantee). Used when adding multiple objects. Defaults to None.


The newly added object.

TODO: This add_object interface is elevated from HabitatSim.add_object and is

quite specific to HabitatSim implementation. We should consider refactoring this to be more generic.


Close the environmnt releasing all resources.

Any call to any other environment method may raise an exception


Retrieve 3D coordinates of a pixel.


The 3D coordinates of the pixel.


Turn 2D depth image into 3D pointcloud using DepthTo3DLocations.

This point cloud is used to estimate the sensor displacement in 3D space between two subsequent steps. Without this we get displacements in pixel space which does not work with our 3D models.


The 3D scene point cloud. current_sf_scene_point_cloud: The 3D scene point cloud in sensor frame.

Return type:



Extract 2D image patch from a location in pixel space.


The depth patch. rgb_patch: The rgb patch. depth3d_patch: The depth3d patch. sensor_frame_patch: The sensor frame patch.

Return type:



Calculate area in which patch can move on the image.


The move area.

get_next_loc(action_name, amount)[source]#

Calculate next location in pixel space given the current action.


The next location in pixel space.


Get agent state.


The agent state.

load_depth_data(depth_path, height, width)[source]#

Load depth image from .data file.


The depth image.


Load depth and rgb data for next scene environment.


The depth image. current_rgb_image: The rgb image. start_location: The start location.

Return type:



Load RGB image and put into np array.


The rgb image.


Process depth data by reshaping, clipping and flipping.


The processed depth image.


Remove all objects from the environment.

TODO: This remove_all_objects interface is elevated from

HabitatSim.remove_all_objects and is quite specific to HabitatSim implementation. We should consider refactoring this to be more generic.


Reset environment and extract image patch.

TODO: clean up. Do we need this? No reset required in this dataloader, maybe indicate this better here.


The observation from the image patch.

step(action: Action)[source]#

Retrieve the next observation.

  • action – moving up, down, left or right from current location.

  • amount – Amount of pixels to move at once.


observation (dict).

switch_to_object(scene_id, scene_version_id)[source]#

Load new image to be used as environment.

property action_space#

Returns list of all possible actions available in the environment.

class SaccadeOnImageFromStreamEnvironment(patch_size=64, data_path=None)[source]#

Bases: SaccadeOnImageEnvironment

Environment for moving over a 2D streamed image with depth channel.


Load depth and rgb data for next scene environment.


The depth image. current_rgb_image: The rgb image. start_location: The start location.

Return type:


