Source code for tbp.monty.simulators.tacto.agents

# Copyright 2025 Thousand Brains Project
# Copyright 2022-2024 Numenta Inc.
# Copyright may exist in Contributors' modifications
# and/or contributions to the work.
# Use of this source code is governed by the MIT
# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at

import uuid
from typing import Tuple

from habitat_sim.agent import ActionSpec, ActuationSpec

from tbp.monty.simulators.habitat import HabitatAgent

from .config import DIGIT, TactoSensorSpec
from .sensors import TactoSensor

__all__ = ["TactoFingerAgent"]

Vector3 = Tuple[float, float, float]
Quaternion = Tuple[float, float, float, float]
Size = Tuple[int, int]

[docs]class TactoFingerAgent(HabitatAgent): """A simple tacto sensor mounted to the tip of a single finger. With the following predefined actions: - "move_forward": Move finger forward using `translation_step` - "move_backward": Move finger backward using `translation_step` - "turn_left": Turn finger left using `rotation_step` - "turn_right": Turn finger right using `rotation_step` Attributes: agent_id: Unique ID used to identify this agent actions and observations position: Agent initial position in meters. Default (0, 0, 0) rotation: Agent initial rotation quaternion. Default (1, 0, 0, 0) height: Agent height in meters. Default 0.1 (10 cm) rotation_step: Rotation step in degrees for the "turn" actions translation_step: Translation step in meters for the "move" actions config: Tacto sensor configuration ('OMNITACT', 'DIGIT'). Default 'DIGIT' """ def __init__( self, agent_id: str, sensor_id: str, position: Vector3 = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), rotation: Quaternion = (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), height: float = 1.5, resolution: Size = (32, 48), rotation_step: float = 0.0, translation_step: float = 0.0, config: TactoSensorSpec = DIGIT, ): super().__init__(agent_id, position, rotation, height) if sensor_id is None: sensor_id = uuid.uuid4().hex self.sensor_id = sensor_id self.resolution = resolution self.rotation_step = rotation_step self.translation_step = translation_step self.sensors.append( TactoSensor( sensor_id=self.sensor_id, resolution=self.resolution, position=self.position, rotation=self.rotation, config=config, ) )
[docs] def get_spec(self): spec = super().get_spec() spec.action_space = { f"{self.agent_id}.move_forward": ActionSpec( "move_forward", ActuationSpec(amount=self.translation_step) ), f"{self.agent_id}.move_backward": ActionSpec( "move_forward", ActuationSpec(amount=-self.translation_step) ), f"{self.agent_id}.turn_left": ActionSpec( "turn_left", ActuationSpec(amount=self.rotation_step) ), f"{self.agent_id}.turn_right": ActionSpec( "turn_right", ActuationSpec(amount=self.rotation_step) ), } return spec