Source code for tbp.monty.frameworks.utils.logging_utils

# Copyright 2025 Thousand Brains Project
# Copyright 2023-2024 Numenta Inc.
# Copyright may exist in Contributors' modifications
# and/or contributions to the work.
# Use of this source code is governed by the MIT
# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at

import copy
import json
import logging
import os
from collections import deque
from itertools import chain
from sys import getsizeof

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import quaternion
import torch
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation

from tbp.monty.frameworks.utils.spatial_arithmetics import (

[docs]def load_stats( exp_path, load_train=True, load_eval=True, load_detailed=True, load_models=True, pretrained_dict=None, ): """Load experiment statistics from an experiment for analysis. Returns: train_stats: pandas DataFrame with training statistics eval_stats: pandas DataFrame with evaluation statistics detailed_stats: dict with detailed statistics lm_models: dict with loaded language models """ train_stats, eval_stats, detailed_stats, lm_models = None, None, None, None if load_train: print("...loading and checking train statistics...") train_stats = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(exp_path, "train_stats.csv")) if load_eval: print("...loading and checking eval statistics...") eval_stats = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(exp_path, "eval_stats.csv")) if load_detailed: print("...loading detailed run statistics...") json_file = os.path.join(exp_path, "detailed_run_stats.json") try: with open(json_file, "r") as f: detailed_stats = json.load(f) except ValueError: detailed_stats = deserialize_json_chunks(json_file) f.close() if load_models: print("...loading LM models...") lm_models = load_models_from_dir(exp_path, pretrained_dict) return train_stats, eval_stats, detailed_stats, lm_models
[docs]def load_models_from_dir(exp_path, pretrained_dict=None): lm_models = {} if pretrained_dict is not None: lm_models["pretrained"] = {} state_dict = torch.load(os.path.join(pretrained_dict, "")) for lm_id in list(state_dict["lm_dict"].keys()): pretrained_models = state_dict["lm_dict"][lm_id]["graph_memory"] lm_models["pretrained"][lm_id] = pretrained_models for folder in os.listdir(exp_path): if folder.isnumeric(): state_dict = torch.load(os.path.join(exp_path, folder, "")) for lm_id in list(state_dict["lm_dict"].keys()): epoch_models = state_dict["lm_dict"][lm_id]["graph_memory"] if folder not in lm_models.keys(): lm_models[folder] = {} lm_models[folder]["LM_" + str(lm_id)] = epoch_models return lm_models
[docs]def deserialize_json_chunks(json_file, start=0, stop=None, episodes=None): """Deserialize one episode at a time from json file. Only get episodes specified by arguments, which follow list / numpy like semantics. Note: assumes line counter is exactly in line with episode keys Args: json_file: full path to the json file to load start: int, get data starting at this episode stop: int, get data ending at this episode, not inclussive as usual in python episodes: iterable of ints with episodes to pull Returns: detailed_json: dict containing contents of file_handle """ def should_get_episode(start, stop, episodes, counter): if episodes is not None: return counter in episodes else: return (counter >= start) and (counter < stop) detailed_json = dict() stop = stop or np.inf with open(json_file, "r") as f: line_counter = 0 for line in f: if should_get_episode(start, stop, episodes, line_counter): # NOTE: json logging is only used at inference time and inference # episodes are independent and order does not matter. This hack fixes a # problem introduced from running in parallel: every episode had the # key 0 since it was its own experiment, so we update detailed_json with # line counter key instead of tmp_json key. This works for serial # episodes because order of execution is arbitrary, all that matters is # we know the parameters for that episode. tmp_json = json.loads(line) json_key = list(tmp_json.keys())[0] # has only one key detailed_json[str(line_counter)] = tmp_json[json_key] del tmp_json line_counter += 1 if episodes is not None: str_episodes = [str(i) for i in episodes] if not list(detailed_json.keys()) == str_episodes: print( "WARNING: episode keys did not equal json keys. This can happen if " "json file was not appended to in episode order. To manually load the" "whole file for debugging, run `deserialize_json_chunks(my_file)` with" "no further arguments" ) return detailed_json
[docs]def get_object_graph_stats(graph_to_target, target_to_graph): n_objects_per_graph = [len(graph_to_target[k]) for k in graph_to_target.keys()] n_graphs_per_object = [len(target_to_graph[k]) for k in target_to_graph.keys()] results = dict( mean_objects_per_graph=np.mean(n_objects_per_graph), mean_graphs_per_object=np.mean(n_graphs_per_object), ) return results
[docs]def matches_to_target_str(possible_matches, graph_to_target): """Get the possible target objects associated with each possible match. Targets are concatenated into a single string name for easy saving in a csv. Returns: dict: ? """ possible_match_sources = set() for match in possible_matches: targets = graph_to_target[match] possible_match_sources.update(targets) sorted_targets = sorted(list(possible_match_sources)) str_targets = "-".join(sorted_targets) return dict(possible_match_sources=str_targets)
[docs]def compute_unsupervised_stats( possible_matches, target, graph_to_target, target_to_graph ): """Compute statistics like how many graphs are built per object. Args: possible_matches: container of str that key into graph_to_target target: str ground truth name of object being presented graph_to_target: dict mapping each graph to the set of objects used to build target_to_graph: dict mapping each object to the set of graphs that used it Returns: dict: ? """ object_is_known = target in target_to_graph result = None if object_is_known: # Seen this object in training, don't recognize result = "target_not_matched_(FN)" for candidate in possible_matches: if target in graph_to_target[candidate]: # Seen this object in training, and do recognize it result = "target_in_possible_matches_(TP)" break else: # Never seen this object, and don't recognize it result = "unknown_object_not_matched_(TN)" # TODO: couldn't we just check if len(possible_matches) > 0? for candidate in possible_matches: if target not in graph_to_target[candidate]: # Never seen this object, yet I mistakenly recognize result = "unknown_object_in_possible_matches_(FP)" break dict_stats = get_object_graph_stats(graph_to_target, target_to_graph) dict_stats.update(TFNP=result) str_targets = matches_to_target_str(possible_matches, graph_to_target) dict_stats.update(str_targets) return dict_stats
[docs]def get_reverse_rotation(rotation): return (np.array([360, 360, 360]) - np.array(rotation)) % 360
[docs]def get_unique_euler_poses(poses): """Get unique poses for an object from possible poses per path. Returns: unique_poses: array of unique poses """ all_poses = [] for path_poses in poses: for pose in path_poses: all_poses.append(pose) unique_poses = np.unique(all_poses, axis=0) return unique_poses
[docs]def check_rotation_accuracy(stats, last_n_step=1): pose_stats = [] for episode in stats.keys(): if len(stats[episode]["LM_0"]["possible_poses"]) >= last_n_step: target_object = stats[episode]["LM_0"]["target"]["object"] target_rotation = stats[episode]["LM_0"]["target"]["euler_rotation"] detected_rotations = stats[episode]["LM_0"]["possible_poses"][-last_n_step][ target_object ] if len(detected_rotations) == 0: performance = "not_in_matches" detected_rotation = None num_paths, num_poses = 0, 0 else: num_paths = len(detected_rotations) if num_paths > 1: all_poses = [] for path in range(num_paths): poses = np.array(detected_rotations[path]) if poses.shape[0] > 1: for p in poses: all_poses.append([p]) else: all_poses.append(poses) detected_rotations = np.array(all_poses) detected_rotations = np.array(detected_rotations) unique_poses = get_unique_euler_poses(detected_rotations) num_poses = unique_poses.shape[0] if num_poses == 1: detected_rotation = unique_poses[0] % 360 dual_pose = np.array( [ (detected_rotation[0] + 180) % 360, (-detected_rotation[1] + 180) % 360, (detected_rotation[2] + 180) % 360, ] ) if np.array_equal( np.array(detected_rotation), np.array(target_rotation) ) or np.array_equal(np.array(dual_pose), np.array(target_rotation)): performance = "correct_rotation" else: performance = "wrong_rotation" else: all_unique_poses = [] performance = "target_not_in_possible_poses" for pose in unique_poses: detected_rotation = pose % 360 dual_pose = np.array( [ (detected_rotation[0] + 180) % 360, (-detected_rotation[1] + 180) % 360, (detected_rotation[2] + 180) % 360, ] ) all_unique_poses.append(detected_rotation) all_unique_poses.append(dual_pose) if np.array_equal( np.array(detected_rotation), np.array(target_rotation), ) or np.array_equal( np.array(dual_pose), np.array(target_rotation), ): performance = "target_in_possible_poses" detected_rotation = all_unique_poses pose_stats.append( pd.Series( [ target_object, str(target_rotation), str(detected_rotation), performance, num_paths, num_poses, ] ) ) pose_stats = pd.concat(pose_stats, axis=1).T pose_stats.columns = [ "object", "target_rotation", "detected_rotation", "primary_performance", "num_paths", "num_poses", ] return pose_stats
[docs]def check_detection_accuracy_at_step(stats, last_n_step=1): detection_stats = [] for episode in stats.keys(): possible_matches = stats[episode]["LM_0"]["possible_matches"] if len(possible_matches) >= last_n_step: target_object = stats[episode]["LM_0"]["target"]["object"] matches_at_step = possible_matches[-last_n_step] if len(matches_at_step) == 0: performance = "no matches" elif len(matches_at_step) == 1: if matches_at_step[0] == target_object: performance = "correct" else: performance = "wrong object" else: performance = "object not in possible matches" for possible_match in matches_at_step: if possible_match == target_object: performance = "object in possible matches" detection_stats.append( pd.Series( [ target_object, performance, ] ) ) detection_stats = pd.concat(detection_stats, axis=1).T detection_stats.columns = [ "object", "primary_performance", ] return detection_stats
[docs]def get_time_stats(all_ds, all_conditions): """Get summary of run times in a dataframe for each condition. Args: all_ds: detailed stats (dict) for each condition all_conditions: name of each condition Returns: pd.DataFrame with runtime stats """ time_stats = [] for i, detailed_stats in enumerate(all_ds): for episode in detailed_stats: times = detailed_stats[episode]["LM_0"]["relative_time"] for step in range(len(times)): time_stats.append( pd.Series( [ all_conditions[i], times[step], step, ] ) ) time_stats = pd.concat(time_stats, axis=1).T time_stats.columns = ["model_type", "time", "step"] return time_stats
[docs]def get_pose_error(detected_pose, target_pose): if type(detected_pose) != list: detected_pose = [detected_pose] target_r = Rotation.from_quat(target_pose) min_error = np.pi for det_r in detected_pose: detected_r = Rotation.from_quat(det_r) difference = detected_r * target_r.inv() error = difference.magnitude() if error < min_error: min_error = error return min_error
[docs]def get_overall_pose_error(stats, lm_id="LM_0"): """Get mean pose error over all episodes. Note: This can now be obtained easier from the .csv stats. Args: stats (dict): detailed stats lm_id: id of learning module Returns: mean pose error """ errors = [] for episode in stats.keys(): detected = stats[episode][lm_id]["detected_rotation_quat"] if detected is not None: # only checking accuracy on detected objects target = stats[episode][lm_id]["target"]["quat_rotation"] err = get_pose_error(detected, target) errors.append(err) return np.round(np.mean(errors), 4)
[docs]def calculate_tpr(tp, fn): """Calculate True Positive Rate, aka sensitivity. Args: tp: true positives fn: false negatives Returns: True Positive Rate """ if (tp + fn) == 0: return None else: return tp / (tp + fn)
[docs]def calculate_fpr(fp, tn): """Calculate False Positive Rate, aka specificity. Args: fp: false positives tn: true negatives Returns: False Positive Rate """ if (fp + tn) == 0: return None else: return fp / (fp + tn)
### # Functions used to help graph matching loggers ###
[docs]def get_graph_lm_episode_stats(lm): """Populate stats dictionary for one episode for a lm. Args: lm: Learning module for which to generate stats. Returns: dict with stats of one episode. """ primary_performance = "patch_off_object" # Performance on the primary target in # the environmnet, typically the target object we begin the episode on stepwise_performance = "patch_off_object" # Performance relative to the object # the learning module is actually receiving sensory input from when it converges location = np.array([0, 0, 0]) num_steps = 0 result = None possible_matches = [] rotation_error = None individual_ts_step = None individual_ts_perf = "patch_off_object" individual_ts_rotation_error = None if ( len(lm.buffer.on_object) > 0 and lm.buffer.on_object[0] != 0 ): # TODO: update this? num_steps = lm.buffer.get_num_matching_steps() location = np.array(lm.buffer.get_current_location(input_channel="first")) possible_matches = lm.get_possible_matches() primary_performance = lm.terminal_state stepwise_performance = lm.terminal_state result = lm.detected_object if len(possible_matches) == 0: primary_performance = "no_match" stepwise_performance = "no_match" elif lm.primary_target == "no_label": primary_performance = "no_label" stepwise_performance = "no_label" # Exactly one match elif primary_performance == "match": target_to_graph = lm.graph_id_to_target[lm.detected_object] if lm.primary_target in target_to_graph: primary_performance = "correct" if lm.buffer.stats["symmetric_rotations"] is not None: # Invert them since these are possible poses to rotate displacement # not the object rotations. detected_rotation = rotations_to_quats( lm.buffer.stats["symmetric_rotations"], invert=True ) else: detected_rotation = lm.buffer.stats["detected_rotation_quat"] rotation_error = np.round( get_pose_error( detected_rotation, lm.primary_target_rotation_quat, ), 4, ) else: primary_performance = "confused" if lm.stepwise_target_object in target_to_graph: stepwise_performance = "correct" # TODO eventually add rotation and translation error else: stepwise_performance = "confused" elif primary_performance == "time_out": result = possible_matches # FIXME: not compatible with wandb logging if len(possible_matches) == 1: primary_performance = "pose_time_out" stepwise_performance = "pose_time_out" individual_ts_perf = "time_out" # TODO eventually consider adding stepwise stats for the below if lm.buffer.stats["individual_ts_reached_at_step"] is not None: individual_ts_step = lm.buffer.stats["individual_ts_reached_at_step"] if lm.buffer.stats["individual_ts_object"] is None: individual_ts_perf = "no_match" else: target_to_graph = lm.graph_id_to_target[ lm.buffer.stats["individual_ts_object"] ] if lm.primary_target in target_to_graph: individual_ts_perf = "correct" if lm.buffer.stats["symmetric_rotations_ts"] is not None: detected_rotation_ts = rotations_to_quats( lm.buffer.stats["symmetric_rotations_ts"], invert=True, ) else: detected_rotation_ts = lm.buffer.stats["individual_ts_rot"] individual_ts_rotation_error = np.round( get_pose_error( detected_rotation_ts, lm.primary_target_rotation_quat, ), 4, ) else: individual_ts_perf = "confused" relative_time = np.diff(np.array(lm.buffer.stats["time"]), prepend=0) lm.buffer.stats["relative_time"] = relative_time stats = { "primary_performance": primary_performance, "stepwise_performance": stepwise_performance, "num_steps": num_steps, "result": result, # TODO update the below so that we also log rotation error for the stepwise # object --> not currently implemented because the rotation of distractor # objects is not easily specified/recovered "rotation_error": rotation_error, "num_possible_matches": len(possible_matches), "detected_location": lm.detected_pose[:3], "detected_rotation": lm.detected_pose[3:6], "detected_scale": lm.detected_pose[6], "location_rel_body": location, "detected_path": lm.buffer.stats["detected_path"], "symmetry_evidence": lm.symmetry_evidence, "individual_ts_reached_at_step": individual_ts_step, "individual_ts_performance": individual_ts_perf, "individual_ts_rotation_error": individual_ts_rotation_error, "time": np.sum(lm.buffer.stats["relative_time"]), } graph_vs_object_stats = compute_unsupervised_stats( possible_matches, lm.primary_target, lm.graph_id_to_target, lm.target_to_graph_id, ) stats.update(graph_vs_object_stats) return stats
[docs]def add_pose_lm_episode_stats(lm, stats): """Add possible poses of lm to episode stats. Args: lm: LM istance from which to add the statistics. stats: Statistics dictionary to update. Returns: Updated stats dictionary. """ if hasattr(lm, "possible_poses") and ( stats["primary_performance"] in ["correct", "confused", "pose_time_out"] ): possible_matches = lm.get_possible_matches() all_possible_poses = lm.possible_poses[possible_matches[0]] stats["possible_object_poses"] = get_unique_rotations( all_possible_poses, lm.pose_similarity_threshold ) paths = np.array(lm.possible_paths[possible_matches[0]]) stats["possible_object_locations"] = paths[:, -1] # FIXME: for some reason, we are getting the occasional pose in Scipy Rotation # format instead of float array. Find the source of the problem so we don't have # to run some extra fn every time we log to sanitize for i in range(len(stats["possible_object_poses"])): for j in range(len(stats["possible_object_poses"][i])): pose = stats["possible_object_poses"][i][j] if isinstance(pose, Rotation): stats["possible_object_poses"][i][j] = pose.as_euler( "xyz", degrees=True ) else: # All fields must be included in each update to enable periodic appending to csv stats["possible_object_poses"] = np.nan stats["possible_object_locations"] = np.nan return stats
[docs]def get_stats_per_lm(model, target): """Loop through lms and get stats. Args: model: model instance target: target object Returns: performance_dict: dict with stats per lm """ performance_dict = dict() primary_target_dict = target_data_to_dict(target) for i, lm in enumerate(model.learning_modules): lm_stats = get_graph_lm_episode_stats(lm) if hasattr(lm, "evidence"): lm_stats = add_evidence_lm_episode_stats(lm, lm_stats) else: lm_stats = add_pose_lm_episode_stats(lm, lm_stats) lm_stats = add_policy_episode_stats(lm, lm_stats) lm_stats["monty_steps"] = model.episode_steps lm_stats["monty_matching_steps"] = model.matching_steps performance_dict[f"LM_{i}"] = lm_stats performance_dict[f"LM_{i}"].update(primary_target_dict) # Add LM-specific target information performance_dict[f"LM_{i}"].update( {"stepwise_target_object": lm.stepwise_target_object} ) return performance_dict
[docs]def add_policy_episode_stats(lm, stats): if "goal_state_achieved" in lm.buffer.stats.keys(): stats["goal_states_attempted"] = len(lm.buffer.stats["goal_state_achieved"]) stats["goal_state_achieved"] = np.sum(lm.buffer.stats["goal_state_achieved"]) else: stats["goal_states_attempted"] = 0 stats["goal_state_achieved"] = 0 return stats
[docs]def add_evidence_lm_episode_stats(lm, stats): last_mlh = lm.get_current_mlh() stats["most_likely_object"] = last_mlh["graph_id"] stats["most_likely_location"] = last_mlh["location"] stats["most_likely_rotation"] = ( last_mlh["rotation"].inv().as_euler("xyz", degrees=True) ) stats["highest_evidence"] = last_mlh["evidence"] stats = calculate_performance(stats, "primary_performance", lm, lm.primary_target) stats = calculate_performance( stats, "stepwise_performance", lm, lm.stepwise_target_object ) if stats["primary_performance"] == "correct_mlh": stats["rotation_error"] = np.round( get_pose_error( last_mlh["rotation"].inv().as_quat(), lm.primary_target_rotation_quat, ), 4, ) return stats
[docs]def calculate_performance(stats, performance_type, lm, target_object): """Calculate performance of an LM on a given target object. Args: stats: Statistics dictionary to update. performance_type: performance type index into stats lm: Learning module for which to generate stats. target_object: target (primary or stepwise) object for the LM to have converged to Returns: Updated stats dictionary. """ if stats[performance_type] in ["time_out", "pose_time_out"]: # Check if the final result (object label) is consistent with the target if target_object in lm.graph_id_to_target[lm.get_current_mlh()["graph_id"]]: stats[performance_type] = "correct_mlh" else: stats[performance_type] = "confused_mlh" return stats
[docs]def target_data_to_dict(target): """Format target params to dict. Args: target: target params Returns: output_dict: dict with target params """ output_dict = dict() output_dict["primary_target_object"] = target["object"] output_dict["primary_target_position"] = target["position"] output_dict["primary_target_rotation_euler"] = target["euler_rotation"] output_dict["primary_target_rotation_quat"] = quaternion.as_float_array( target["rotation"] ) # Currently scale is applied uniformly along all dimensions output_dict["primary_target_scale"] = target["scale"][0] return output_dict
### # Functions that assist handlers ###
[docs]def format_columns_for_wandb(lm_dict): """Various columns break wandb because we are playing fast and loose with types. Put any standardizations here. Args: lm_dict: dict, part of a larger dict ~ {LM_0: lm_dict, LM_1: lm_dict} Returns: dict: formatted lm_dict """ formatted_dict = copy.deepcopy(lm_dict) if "result" in formatted_dict: if isinstance(formatted_dict["result"], list): new_result = "^".join(formatted_dict["result"]) formatted_dict["result"] = new_result return formatted_dict
[docs]def lm_stats_to_dataframe(stats, format_for_wandb=False): """Take in a dictionary and format into a dataframe. Example:: {0: {LM_0: stats, LM_1: stats...}, 1:...} --> dataframe Currently we are reporting once per episode, so the loop over episodes is only over a singel key, value pair, but leaving it here because it is backward compatible. Returns: dataframe """ df_list = [] for episode in stats.values(): lm_dict = dict() # Loop over things like LM_*, SM_*, motor_system and get only LM_* for key in episode.keys(): if isinstance(key, str): if key.startswith("LM_"): if format_for_wandb: lm_dict[key] = format_columns_for_wandb( copy.deepcopy(episode[key]) ) else: lm_dict[key] = episode[key] if len(lm_dict) > 0: df_list.append(pd.DataFrame.from_dict(lm_dict, orient="index")) big_df = pd.concat(df_list) big_df["lm_id"] = big_df.index return big_df
[docs]def maybe_rename_existing_file(log_file, extension, report_count): """Check if this run has already been executed. If so, change name of existing log file by appending _old to it. Args: log_file: full path to the file, e.g. ~/.../detailed_run_stats.json extension: str name of file type report_count: ? """ if (report_count == 0) and (os.path.exists(log_file)): old_name = log_file.split(extension)[0] new_name = old_name + "_old" + extension logging.warning( f"Output file {log_file} already exists. This file will be moved" f" to {new_name}" ) if os.path.exists(new_name): logging.warning( f"Output file {new_name} also already exists. This file will be removed" " before renaming." ) os.remove(new_name) os.rename(log_file, new_name)
[docs]def maybe_rename_existing_directory(path, report_count): if (report_count == 0) and os.path.exists(path): new_path = path + "_old" logging.warning( f"Output path {path} already exists. This path will be moved" f"to {new_path}" ) if os.path.exists(new_path): logging.warning( f"{new_path} also exists, and will be removed before renaming" ) os.remove(new_path) os.rename(path, new_path)
[docs]def get_rgba_frames_single_sm(observations): """Convert a time series of rgba observations into format for wandb.Video. Args: observations: episode_stats[sm][___observations] Returns: formatted observations """ formatted_observations = [] for step in range(len(observations)): # get data for this time step rgba = observations[step]["rgba"] # format according to wandb API: [time, channels, height, width] formatted_observations.append(np.moveaxis(rgba, [0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0])) formatted_observations = np.array(formatted_observations) return formatted_observations
### # Functions used for buffer size based logging ###
[docs]def total_size(o): """Returns the approximate memory footprint an object and all of its contents. Automatically finds the contents of the following builtin containers and their subclasses: tuple, list, deque, dict, set and frozenset. To search other containers, add handlers to iterate over their contents: handlers = {SomeContainerClass: iter, OtherContainerClass: OtherContainerClass.get_elements} The recursive recipe universally cited on stack exchange and blogs for gauging the size of python objets in memory. See Also: """ dict_handler = lambda d: chain.from_iterable(d.items()) # noqa: E731 all_handlers = { tuple: iter, list: iter, deque: iter, dict: dict_handler, set: iter, frozenset: iter, } # all_handlers.update(handlers) # user handlers take precedence seen = set() # track which object id's have already been seen default_size = getsizeof(0) # estimate sizeof object without __sizeof__ def sizeof(o): if id(o) in seen: # do not double count the same object return 0 seen.add(id(o)) s = getsizeof(o, default_size) for typ, handler in all_handlers.items(): if isinstance(o, typ): s += sum(map(sizeof, handler(o))) break return s return sizeof(o)