# Copyright 2025 Thousand Brains Project
# Copyright 2023-2024 Numenta Inc.
# Copyright may exist in Contributors' modifications
# and/or contributions to the work.
# Use of this source code is governed by the MIT
# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
# https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.
import logging
import math
from itertools import permutations
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation
[docs]def get_correct_k_n(k_n, num_datapoints):
"""Determine k_n given the number of datapoints.
k_n specified in hyperparameter may not be possible to achive with the number
of data points collected. This function checks for that and adjusts k_n.
k_n: current number k neareast neighbors specified for graph building
num_datapoints: number of observations available to build the graph.
adjusted k_n
# k_n will need to be one larger than how many edges you like since the
# first nearest edge of a node is itself.
k_n = k_n + 1
if num_datapoints <= k_n:
if num_datapoints > 2:
k_n = num_datapoints - 1
logging.debug(f"Setting k_n to {k_n}")
logging.error("not enough observations collected to build graph.")
return None
return k_n
[docs]def get_unique_paths(possible_paths, threshold=0.01):
"""Get all unique paths in a list of possible paths.
possible_paths: List of possible paths (locations)
threshold: minimun distance between two parts to be considered
different. defaults to 0.01
List of unique paths (locations)
unique_paths = []
for path in possible_paths:
path_already_in_up = False
if len(unique_paths) == 0:
for up in unique_paths:
path_already_in_up = (
np.sum(np.linalg.norm(np.array(path) - np.array(up), axis=1))
< threshold
if path_already_in_up:
if not path_already_in_up:
return np.array(unique_paths)
[docs]def is_in_ranges(array, ranges):
"""Check for each element in an array whether it is in its specified range.
Each element can have a different tolerance range.
True if all elements are in their respective ranges, False otherwise.
for i, e in enumerate(array):
if ranges[i][0] <= ranges[i][1]:
element_in_range = e >= ranges[i][0] and e <= ranges[i][1]
else: # circular feature
element_in_range = e >= ranges[i][0] or e <= ranges[i][1]
if not element_in_range:
return False
return True
[docs]def get_initial_possible_poses(initial_possible_pose_type):
"""Initialize initial_possible_poses to test based on initial_possible_pose_type.
initial_possible_pose_type: How to sample initial possible poses.
Options are:
- "uniform": Sample uniformly from the space of possible poses.
- "informed": Sample poses that are likely to be possible based on
the object's geometry and the first observation.
- list of euler angles: Use a list of predefiende poses to test (useful for
List of initial possible poses to test.
if initial_possible_pose_type == "uniform":
initial_possible_poses = get_uniform_initial_possible_poses()
elif initial_possible_pose_type == "informed":
# In this case we initialize hypotheses with the first observation
initial_possible_poses = None
initial_possible_poses = [
Rotation.from_euler("xyz", pose, degrees=True).inv()
for pose in initial_possible_pose_type
return initial_possible_poses
[docs]def add_pose_features_to_tolerances(tolerances, default_tolerances=20):
"""Add point_normal and curvature_direction default tolerances if not set.
Tolerances dictionary with added pose_vectors if not set.
for input_channel in tolerances.keys():
if "pose_vectors" not in tolerances[input_channel].keys():
# NOTE: assumes that there are 3 pose vectors
tolerances[input_channel]["pose_vectors"] = np.ones(3) * default_tolerances
# Turn degree tolerances into radians
tolerances[input_channel]["pose_vectors"] = [
math.radians(deg) for deg in tolerances[input_channel]["pose_vectors"]
return tolerances
[docs]def get_relevant_curvature(features):
"""Get the relevant curvature from features. Used to scale search sphere.
In the case of principal_curvatures and principal_curvatures_log we use the
maximum absolute curvature between the two values. Otherwise we just return
the curvature value.
Not sure if other curvatures work as well as log curvatures since they
may have too big of a range.
Magnitude of sensed curvature (maximum if using two principal curvatures).
if "principal_curvatures_log" in features.keys():
curvatures = features["principal_curvatures_log"]
curvatures = np.max(np.abs(curvatures))
elif "principal_curvatures" in features.keys():
curvatures = features["principal_curvatures"]
curvatures = np.max(np.abs(curvatures))
elif "mean_curvature" in features.keys():
curvatures = features["mean_curvature"]
elif "mean_curvature_sc" in features.keys():
curvatures = features["mean_curvature_sc"]
elif "gaussian_curvature" in features.keys():
curvatures = features["gaussian_curvature"]
elif "gaussian_curvature_sc" in features.keys():
curvatures = features["gaussian_curvature_sc"]
f"No curvatures contained in the features {list(features.keys())}."
# Return large curvature so we use an almost circular search sphere.
curvatures = 10
return curvatures
[docs]def get_scaled_evidences(evidences, per_object=False):
"""Scale evidences to be in range [-1, 1] for voting.
This is useful so that the absolute evidence values don't distort the votes
(for example if one LM has already had a lot more matching steps than another
and the evidence is not bounded). It is also useful to keep the evidence added
from a single voting step in a reasonable range.
By default we normalize using the maximum and minimum evidence over all objects.
There is also an option to scale the evidence for each object independently but
that might give low evidence objects too much of a boost. We could probably
remove this option.
Scaled evidences.
scaled_evidences = {}
if per_object:
for graph_id in evidences.keys():
scaled_evidences[graph_id] = (
evidences[graph_id] - np.min(evidences[graph_id])
) / (np.max(evidences[graph_id]) - np.min(evidences[graph_id]))
# put in range(-1, 1)
scaled_evidences[graph_id] = (scaled_evidences[graph_id] - 0.5) * 2
min_evidence = np.inf
max_evidence = -np.inf
for graph_id in evidences.keys():
minev = np.min(evidences[graph_id])
if minev < min_evidence:
min_evidence = minev
maxev = np.max(evidences[graph_id])
if maxev > max_evidence:
max_evidence = maxev
for graph_id in evidences.keys():
if max_evidence >= 1:
scaled_evidences[graph_id] = (evidences[graph_id] - min_evidence) / (
max_evidence - min_evidence
# put in range(-1, 1)
scaled_evidences[graph_id] = (scaled_evidences[graph_id] - 0.5) * 2
# If largest value is <1, don't scale them -> don't increase any
# evidences. Instead just make sure they are in the right range.
scaled_evidences[graph_id] = np.clip(evidences[graph_id], -1, 1)
return scaled_evidences
[docs]def get_custom_distances(nearest_node_locs, search_locs, search_pns, search_curvature):
"""Calculate custom distances modulated by point normal and curvature.
nearest_node_locs: locations of nearest nodes to search_locs.
shape=(num_hyp, max_nneighbors, 3)
search_locs: search locations for each hypothesis.
shape=(num_hyp, 3)
search_pns: sensed point normal rotated by hypothesis pose.
shape=(num_hyp, 3)
search_curvature: magnitude of sensed curvature (maximum if using
two principal curvatures). Is used to modulate the search spheres
thickness in the direction of the point normal.
custom_nearest_node_dists: custom distances of each nearest location
from its search location taking into account the hypothesis point
normal and sensed curvature.
shape=(num_hyp, max_nneighbors)
# Calculate difference vectors between query point and all other points
# expand_dims of search_locs so it has shape (num_hyp, 1, 3)
# shape of differences = (num_hyp, max_nneighbors, 3)
differences = nearest_node_locs - np.expand_dims(search_locs, axis=1)
# Calculate the dot product between the query normal and the difference vectors
# This tells us how well the points are aligned with the plane perpendicular to
# the query normal. Points with dot product 0 are in this plane, higher
# magnitudes of the dot product means they are further away from that plane
# (-> should have larger distance).
dot_products = np.einsum("ijk,ik->ij", differences, search_pns)
# Calculate the eucledian distances. shape=(num_hyp, max_nneighbors)
eucledian_dists = np.linalg.norm(differences, axis=2)
# Calculate the total distances by adding the absolute dot product to the
# eucledian distances. We multiply the dot product by 1/curvature to modulate
# the flatness of the search sphere. If the curvature is large we want to be
# able to go further out of the sphere while we want to stay close to the point
# normal plane if we have a curvature close to 0.
# To have a minimum wiggle room above and below the plane, even if we have 0
# curvature (and to avoide division by 0) we add 0.5 to the denominator.
# shape=(num_hyp, max_nneighbors).
custom_nearest_node_dists = eucledian_dists + np.abs(dot_products) * (
1 / (np.abs(search_curvature) + 0.5)
return custom_nearest_node_dists
# ====== Functions for detecting on new object ======
# TODO: These will be integrated into the goal-state-generator with the motor
# system refactor
[docs]def create_exponential_kernel(size, decay_rate):
"""Create an exponentially decaying kernel.
Used to convolve e.g. evidence history when determining whether we are on a new
size: Size of the kernel.
decay_rate: Decay rate of the kernel.
Exponentially decaying kernel.
# Index so that exponential kernel applies 1.0 to the
# most recent evidence change (i.e. full weighting)
indices = np.arange(start=size - 1, stop=-1, step=-1)
kernel = np.exp(-decay_rate * indices)
return kernel
[docs]def detect_new_object_exponential(
"""Detect we're on a new object using exponentially decaying evidence changes.
Evidence changes from multiple steps into the past are convolved by exponentially
decaying constants, such that more recent steps carry more significance.
max_ev_per_step: List of the maximum evidence (across all locations/poses)
for the current MLH object, across all steps of the current episode
detection_threshold: The total amount of negative evidence in the
counter/sum that needs to be exceeded to determine that the LM has moved on
to a new object
decay_rate: The rate of decay that determines how much past evidence
-drops contribute to the current estimate of change
True if the total amount of negative evidence is less than or equal to the
detection threshold, False otherwise.
ev_changes, _ = process_delta_evidence_values(max_ev_per_step)
exp_kernel = create_exponential_kernel(size=len(ev_changes), decay_rate=decay_rate)
# Update evidence values with exponential kernel
ev_changes = np.multiply(exp_kernel, ev_changes)
total_ev_changes = np.sum(ev_changes)
return total_ev_changes <= detection_threshold
[docs]def detect_new_object_k_steps(
"""Detect we're on a new object using the evidence changes from multiple steps.
Evidence changes from multiple steps into the past are considered. We look at the
change in evidence over k discrete steps, weighing these equally.
max_ev_per_step: List of the maximum evidence (across all locations/poses)
for the current MLH object, across all steps of the current episode
detection_threshold: The total amount of negative evidence in the
counter/sum that needs to be exceeded to determine that the LM has moved on
to a new object
k: How many steps into the past to look when summing the negative change in
reset_at_positive_jump: Boolean to "reset" the accumulated changes when
there is a positive increase in evidence, i.e. k is further limited by this
True if the total evidence change is less than or equal to the detection
threshold, False otherwise.
ev_changes, postive_jump_loc = process_delta_evidence_values(
max_ev_per_step[-(k + 1) :]
# NB if looking e.g. at 1 evidence step change in the past, then need 2
# evidence values, hence k+1 used
# Further truncate if there were any positive jumps in evidence
# Note we do not reset if evidence remains static (delta 0)
if postive_jump_loc is not None and reset_at_positive_jump:
ev_changes = ev_changes[postive_jump_loc:]
total_ev_changes = np.sum(ev_changes)
return total_ev_changes <= detection_threshold
[docs]def process_delta_evidence_values(max_ev_per_step):
"""Pre-process the max evidence values to get the change in evidence across steps.
Clip the values to be less than or equal to 0.
Also returns the index of the most recent positive change in evidence
clipped_ev_changes: Clipped change in evidence across steps.
postive_jump_loc: Index of the most recent positive change in evidence.
max_ev_per_step = np.array(max_ev_per_step)
# Change in evidence across steps
ev_changes = max_ev_per_step[1:] - max_ev_per_step[:-1]
# Find the most recent postive jump in evidence before clipping
positive_jumps = ev_changes > 0
if np.any(positive_jumps):
postive_jump_loc = np.where(positive_jumps)[0][-1]
postive_jump_loc = None
# Clip values as we are looking for instances of evidnece drops to suggest movement
# onto a new object
clipped_ev_changes = np.clip(ev_changes, -np.inf, 0)
return clipped_ev_changes, postive_jump_loc
[docs]def find_step_on_new_object(
stepwise_targets, primary_target, n_steps_off_primary_target
"""Returns the episode step at which we've moved off the primary target object.
The returned episode step is the first step at which we've been off the primary
target for a total of n_steps_off_primary_target consecutive steps.
off_primary_array = np.array(stepwise_targets != primary_target)
# Create a sliding window of size k
window = np.ones(n_steps_off_primary_target)
# Use convolution to find when k Trues occur in a row
conv = np.convolve(off_primary_array, window, "valid") == n_steps_off_primary_target
# If conv contains at least one True, find the first occurrence
if conv.any():
return np.where(conv)[0][0] + n_steps_off_primary_target - 1
return None