Source code for tbp.monty.frameworks.actions.actions

# Copyright 2025 Thousand Brains Project
# Copyright 2024 Numenta Inc.
# Copyright may exist in Contributors' modifications
# and/or contributions to the work.
# Use of this source code is governed by the MIT
# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at

from __future__ import annotations

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from json import JSONDecoder, JSONEncoder
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Tuple

from numpy import ndarray

    from tbp.monty.frameworks.actions.action_samplers import ActionSampler
    from tbp.monty.frameworks.actions.actuator import Actuator

__all__ = [
    # Actions
    # Spatial representations

VectorXYZ = Tuple[float, float, float]
QuaternionWXYZ = Tuple[float, float, float, float]

[docs]class Action(ABC): """An action that can be taken by an agent. Actions are generated by the MotorSystem and are executed by an Actuator. """ @staticmethod def _camel_case_to_snake_case(name: str) -> str: """Expecting a class name in CamelCase returns it in snake_case. Returns: The class name in snake_case. """ return "".join( ["_" + char.lower() if char.isupper() else char for char in name] ).lstrip("_")
[docs] @classmethod def action_name(cls) -> str: """Generate action name based on class. Used in static configuration, e.g., `FakeAction.action_name()`. Returns: The action name in snake_case. """ return Action._camel_case_to_snake_case(cls.__name__)
[docs] @classmethod @abstractmethod def sample(cls, agent_id: str, sampler: ActionSampler) -> Action: """Uses the sampler to sample an instance of this action.""" pass
@property def name(self) -> str: """Used for checking action name on an Action instance.""" return self.__class__.action_name() def __init__(self, agent_id: str) -> None: self.agent_id = agent_id def __iter__(self): """Yields the action name and all action parameters. Useful if you want to do something like: `dict(action_instance)`. """ yield "action", for key, value in self.__dict__.items(): if key == "name": continue yield key, value
[docs] @abstractmethod def act(self, actuator: Actuator) -> None: """Execute the action using the provided actuator.""" pass
[docs]class LookDown(Action): """Rotate the agent downwards by a specified number of degrees."""
[docs] @classmethod def sample(cls, agent_id: str, sampler: ActionSampler) -> LookDown: return sampler.sample_look_down(agent_id)
def __init__( self, agent_id: str, rotation_degrees: float, constraint_degrees: float = 90.0 ) -> None: super().__init__(agent_id=agent_id) self.constraint_degrees = constraint_degrees self.rotation_degrees = rotation_degrees
[docs] def act(self, actuator: Actuator) -> None: actuator.actuate_look_down(self)
[docs]class LookUp(Action): """Rotate the agent upwards by a specified number of degrees."""
[docs] @classmethod def sample(cls, agent_id: str, sampler: ActionSampler) -> LookUp: return sampler.sample_look_up(agent_id)
def __init__( self, agent_id: str, rotation_degrees: float, constraint_degrees: float = 90.0 ) -> None: super().__init__(agent_id=agent_id) self.constraint_degrees = constraint_degrees self.rotation_degrees = rotation_degrees
[docs] def act(self, actuator: Actuator) -> None: actuator.actuate_look_up(self)
[docs]class MoveForward(Action): """Move the agent forward by a specified distance."""
[docs] @classmethod def sample(cls, agent_id: str, sampler: ActionSampler) -> MoveForward: return sampler.sample_move_forward(agent_id)
def __init__(self, agent_id: str, distance: float) -> None: super().__init__(agent_id=agent_id) self.distance = distance
[docs] def act(self, actuator: Actuator) -> None: actuator.actuate_move_forward(self)
[docs]class MoveTangentially(Action): """Move the agent tangentially. Moves the agent tangentially to the current orientation by a specified distance along a specified direction. """
[docs] @classmethod def sample(cls, agent_id: str, sampler: ActionSampler) -> MoveTangentially: return sampler.sample_move_tangentially(agent_id)
def __init__(self, agent_id: str, distance: float, direction: VectorXYZ) -> None: super().__init__(agent_id=agent_id) self.distance = distance self.direction = direction
[docs] def act(self, actuator: Actuator) -> None: actuator.actuate_move_tangentially(self)
[docs]class OrientHorizontal(Action): """Move the agent in the horizontal plane. Moves the agent in the horizontal plane compensating for the horizontal motion with a rotation in the horizontal plane. """
[docs] @classmethod def sample(cls, agent_id: str, sampler: ActionSampler) -> OrientHorizontal: return sampler.sample_orient_horizontal(agent_id)
def __init__( self, agent_id: str, rotation_degrees: float, left_distance: float, forward_distance: float, ) -> None: super().__init__(agent_id=agent_id) self.rotation_degrees = rotation_degrees self.left_distance = left_distance self.forward_distance = forward_distance
[docs] def act(self, actuator: Actuator) -> None: actuator.actuate_orient_horizontal(self)
[docs]class OrientVertical(Action): """Move the agent in the vertical plane. Moves the agent in the vertical plane compensating for the vertical motion with a rotation in the vertical plane. """
[docs] @classmethod def sample(cls, agent_id: str, sampler: ActionSampler) -> OrientVertical: return sampler.sample_orient_vertical(agent_id)
def __init__( self, agent_id: str, rotation_degrees: float, down_distance: float, forward_distance: float, ) -> None: super().__init__(agent_id=agent_id) self.rotation_degrees = rotation_degrees self.down_distance = down_distance self.forward_distance = forward_distance
[docs] def act(self, actuator: Actuator) -> None: actuator.actuate_orient_vertical(self)
[docs]class SetAgentPitch(Action): """Set the agent pitch rotation in degrees. Note that unless otherwise changed, the sensors maintain identity orientation with regard to the agent. So, this will also adjust the pitch of agent's sensors with regard to the environment. """
[docs] @classmethod def sample(cls, agent_id: str, sampler: ActionSampler) -> SetAgentPitch: return sampler.sample_set_agent_pitch(agent_id)
def __init__(self, agent_id: str, pitch_degrees: float) -> None: super().__init__(agent_id=agent_id) self.pitch_degrees = pitch_degrees
[docs] def act(self, actuator: Actuator) -> None: actuator.actuate_set_agent_pitch(self)
[docs]class SetAgentPose(Action): """Set the agent pose. Set the agent pose to absolute location coordinates and orientation in the environment. """
[docs] @classmethod def sample(cls, agent_id: str, sampler: ActionSampler) -> SetAgentPose: return sampler.sample_set_agent_pose(agent_id)
def __init__( self, agent_id: str, location: VectorXYZ, rotation_quat: QuaternionWXYZ ) -> None: super().__init__(agent_id=agent_id) self.location = location self.rotation_quat = rotation_quat
[docs] def act(self, actuator: Actuator) -> None: actuator.actuate_set_agent_pose(self)
[docs]class SetSensorPitch(Action): """Set the sensor pitch rotation. Note that this does not update the pitch of the agent. Imagine the body associated with the eye remaining in place, while the eye moves. """
[docs] @classmethod def sample(cls, agent_id: str, sampler: ActionSampler) -> SetSensorPitch: return sampler.sample_set_sensor_pitch(agent_id)
def __init__(self, agent_id: str, pitch_degrees: float) -> None: super().__init__(agent_id=agent_id) self.pitch_degrees = pitch_degrees
[docs] def act(self, actuator: Actuator) -> None: actuator.actuate_set_sensor_pitch(self)
[docs]class SetSensorPose(Action): """Set the sensor pose. Set the sensor pose to absolute location coordinates and orientation in the environment. """
[docs] @classmethod def sample(cls, agent_id: str, sampler: ActionSampler) -> SetSensorPose: return sampler.sample_set_sensor_pose(agent_id)
def __init__( self, agent_id: str, location: VectorXYZ, rotation_quat: QuaternionWXYZ ) -> None: super().__init__(agent_id=agent_id) self.location = location self.rotation_quat = rotation_quat
[docs] def act(self, actuator: Actuator) -> None: actuator.actuate_set_sensor_pose(self)
[docs]class SetSensorRotation(Action): """Set the sensor rotation relative to the agent."""
[docs] @classmethod def sample(cls, agent_id: str, sampler: ActionSampler) -> SetSensorRotation: return sampler.sample_set_sensor_rotation(agent_id)
def __init__(self, agent_id: str, rotation_quat: QuaternionWXYZ) -> None: super().__init__(agent_id=agent_id) self.rotation_quat = rotation_quat
[docs] def act(self, actuator: Actuator) -> None: actuator.actuate_set_sensor_rotation(self)
[docs]class SetYaw(Action): """Set the agent body yaw rotation."""
[docs] @classmethod def sample(cls, agent_id: str, sampler: ActionSampler) -> SetYaw: return sampler.sample_set_yaw(agent_id)
def __init__(self, agent_id: str, rotation_degrees: float) -> None: super().__init__(agent_id=agent_id) self.rotation_degrees = rotation_degrees
[docs] def act(self, actuator: Actuator) -> None: actuator.actuate_set_yaw(self)
[docs]class TurnLeft(Action): """Rotate the agent to the left."""
[docs] @classmethod def sample(cls, agent_id: str, sampler: ActionSampler) -> TurnLeft: return sampler.sample_turn_left(agent_id)
def __init__(self, agent_id: str, rotation_degrees: float) -> None: super().__init__(agent_id=agent_id) self.rotation_degrees = rotation_degrees
[docs] def act(self, actuator: Actuator) -> None: actuator.actuate_turn_left(self)
[docs]class TurnRight(Action): """Rotate the agent to the right."""
[docs] @classmethod def sample(cls, agent_id: str, sampler: ActionSampler) -> TurnRight: return sampler.sample_turn_right(agent_id)
def __init__(self, agent_id: str, rotation_degrees: float) -> None: super().__init__(agent_id=agent_id) self.rotation_degrees = rotation_degrees
[docs] def act(self, actuator: Actuator) -> None: actuator.actuate_turn_right(self)
class ActionJSONEncoder(JSONEncoder): """Encodes an Action into a JSON object. Action name is encoded as the `"action"` parameter. All other Action parameters are encoded as key-value pairs in the JSON object """ def default(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, Action): o = {} for key, value in dict(obj).items(): if isinstance(value, ndarray): o[key] = value.tolist() else: o[key] = value return o return super().default(obj) class ActionJSONDecoder(JSONDecoder): """Decodes JSON object into Actions. Requires that the JSON object contains an "action" key with the name of the action. Additionally, the JSON object must contain all action parameters used by the action. """ def __init__(self): super().__init__(object_hook=self.object_hook) def object_hook(self, obj): if "action" not in obj: raise ValueError("Invalid action object: missing 'action' key.") action = obj["action"] if action == LookDown.action_name(): return LookDown( agent_id=obj["agent_id"], rotation_degrees=obj["rotation_degrees"], constraint_degrees=obj["constraint_degrees"], ) elif action == LookUp.action_name(): return LookUp( agent_id=obj["agent_id"], rotation_degrees=obj["rotation_degrees"], constraint_degrees=obj["constraint_degrees"], ) elif action == MoveForward.action_name(): return MoveForward( agent_id=obj["agent_id"], distance=obj["distance"], ) elif action == MoveTangentially.action_name(): return MoveTangentially( agent_id=obj["agent_id"], distance=obj["distance"], direction=tuple(obj["direction"]), ) elif action == OrientHorizontal.action_name(): return OrientHorizontal( agent_id=obj["agent_id"], rotation_degrees=obj["rotation_degrees"], left_distance=obj["left_distance"], forward_distance=obj["forward_distance"], ) elif action == OrientVertical.action_name(): return OrientVertical( agent_id=obj["agent_id"], rotation_degrees=obj["rotation_degrees"], down_distance=obj["down_distance"], forward_distance=obj["forward_distance"], ) elif action == SetAgentPitch.action_name(): return SetAgentPitch( agent_id=obj["agent_id"], pitch_degrees=obj["pitch_degrees"], ) elif action == SetAgentPose.action_name(): return SetAgentPose( agent_id=obj["agent_id"], location=tuple(obj["location"]), rotation_quat=tuple(obj["rotation_quat"]), ) elif action == SetSensorPitch.action_name(): return SetSensorPitch( agent_id=obj["agent_id"], pitch_degrees=obj["pitch_degrees"], ) elif action == SetSensorPose.action_name(): return SetSensorPose( agent_id=obj["agent_id"], location=tuple(obj["location"]), rotation_quat=tuple(obj["rotation_quat"]), ) elif action == SetSensorRotation.action_name(): return SetSensorRotation( agent_id=obj["agent_id"], rotation_quat=tuple(obj["rotation_quat"]), ) elif action == SetYaw.action_name(): return SetYaw( agent_id=obj["agent_id"], rotation_degrees=obj["rotation_degrees"], ) elif action == TurnLeft.action_name(): return TurnLeft( agent_id=obj["agent_id"], rotation_degrees=obj["rotation_degrees"], ) elif action == TurnRight.action_name(): return TurnRight( agent_id=obj["agent_id"], rotation_degrees=obj["rotation_degrees"], ) else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid action object: unknown action '{action}'.")