# Copyright 2025 Thousand Brains Project
# Copyright 2022-2024 Numenta Inc.
# Copyright may exist in Contributors' modifications
# and/or contributions to the work.
# Use of this source code is governed by the MIT
# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
# https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.
"""AI Habitat simulator interface for Monty.
See Also:
from collections import defaultdict
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
import habitat_sim
import magnum as mn
import numpy as np
from habitat_sim.utils import common as sim_utils
from importlib_resources import files
import tbp.monty.simulators.resources as resources
from tbp.monty.frameworks.actions.actions import Action
from tbp.monty.frameworks.environment_utils.habitat_utils import get_bounding_corners
from tbp.monty.simulators.habitat.actuator import HabitatActuator
from .agents import HabitatAgent
__all__ = [
DEFAULT_PHYSICS_CONFIG = str(files(resources) / "default.physics_config.json")
#: Maps habitat-sim pre-configure primitive object types to semantic IDs
"capsule3DSolid": 101,
"coneSolid": 102,
"cubeSolid": 103,
"cylinderSolid": 104,
"icosphereSolid": 105,
"uvSphereSolid": 106,
Vector3 = Tuple[float, float, float]
Quaternion = Tuple[float, float, float, float]
[docs]class HabitatSim(HabitatActuator):
"""Habitat-sim interface for tbp.monty.
This class wraps `habitat-sim <https://aihabitat.org/docs/habitat-sim>`_
simulator for tbp.monty. It aims to hide habitat-sim internals simplifying
experiments configuration within the tbp.monty framework.
camera = SingleSensorAgent(
resolution=(64, 64),
with HabitatSim(agents=[camera]) as sim:
sim.add_object(name="coneSolid", position=(0.0, 1.5, -0.2))
obs = sim.get_observations()
agents: List of :class:`HabitatAgents` to place in the simulator
data_path: Habitat data path location, usually the same path used by
scene_id: Scene to use or None for empty environment.
seed: Simulator seed to use
enable_physics: Whether or not to enable the physics engine. Default False
def __init__(
agents: List[HabitatAgent],
data_path: Optional[str] = None,
scene_id: Optional[str] = None,
seed: int = 42,
enable_physics: bool = True, # Physics is now standard
backend_config = habitat_sim.SimulatorConfiguration()
backend_config.physics_config_file = DEFAULT_PHYSICS_CONFIG
# NOTE that currently we do not have gravity, although this can be adjusted in
# the above config by setting "gravity": [0, -9.8, 0]
self.sim_enable_physics = enable_physics
backend_config.enable_physics = self.sim_enable_physics
backend_config.scene_id = scene_id or DEFAULT_SCENE
backend_config.random_seed = seed
self.np_rng = np.random.default_rng(seed)
agent_configs = []
self._agents = agents
self._action_space = set()
self._agent_id_to_index = dict()
self._object_counter = 0 # Track the number of objects added to an environment
for index, agent in enumerate(self._agents):
config = agent.get_spec()
# Update global action space
# Holds a dict mapping monty's agent id to habitat agent index
self._agent_id_to_index[agent.agent_id] = index
self._sim = habitat_sim.Simulator(
habitat_sim.Configuration(backend_config, agent_configs)
# Load objects from data_path
if data_path is not None:
obj_mgr = self._sim.get_object_template_manager()
absolute_data_path = Path(data_path).expanduser().absolute()
v1_2_path = absolute_data_path / "configs"
if v1_2_path.is_dir():
# "object" sub-directory no longer exists for YCB version 1.2 (present
# in Habitat v0.22); instead config folder is directly present
objects_path = absolute_data_path
# Objects downloaded with `habitat_sim.utils.environments_download` are
# stored in the sub-dir called "objects" for older versions of YCB (eg.
# 1.0)
objects_path = absolute_data_path / "objects"
# The appended /objects is also key to triggering the below -else-
# "dataset downloaded some other way" in unit tests
if objects_path.is_dir():
# Search "objects" dir for habitat objects.
# Habitat dataset objects are stored in a directory containing
# json files with the attribures of each object in the dataset.
# The json file name is in this format:
# "{object_name}.object_config.json".
# See https://aihabitat.org/docs/habitat-sim/attributesJSON.html#objectattributes # noqa: E501
objects_data_path = {
f.parent for f in objects_path.glob("*/**/*.object_config.json")
# The dataset was downloaded some other way.
# The data path must be the path to the object config files
objects_data_path = [absolute_data_path]
# Add each object data path to the simulator
objects_added = False
for path in objects_data_path:
valid_objs = obj_mgr.load_configs(str(path), True)
if valid_objs:
objects_added = True
if not objects_added:
raise ValueError(f"No valid habitat data found in {data_path}")
for agent in self._agents:
[docs] def initialize_agent(self, agent_id, agent_state):
"""Update agent runtime state.
Usually called first thing to update agent initial pose.
agent_id: Agent id of the agent to be updated
agent_state: Agent state to update to
agent_index = self._agent_id_to_index[agent_id]
self._sim.initialize_agent(agent_index, agent_state)
[docs] def remove_all_objects(self):
"""Remove all objects from simulated environment."""
rigid_mgr = self._sim.get_rigid_object_manager()
self._object_counter = 0
[docs] def add_object(
name: str,
position: Vector3 = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
rotation: Quaternion = (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
scale: Vector3 = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
semantic_id: Optional[str] = None,
enable_physics: Optional[bool] = False,
"""Add new object to simulated environment.
name: Registered object name. It could be any of habitat-sim primitive
objects or any configured habitat object. For a list of primitive
objects see :const:`PRIMITIVE_OBJECT_TYPES`
position: Object initial absolute position
rotation: Object rotation quaternion. Default (1, 0, 0, 0)
scale: Object scale. Default (1, 1, 1)
semantic_id: Optional override object semantic ID
enable_physics: Whether or not to enable physics on this objects
object_to_avoid: If True, run collision checks to ensure the object is not
colliding with any other objects in the scene, and otherwise move it
primary_target_bb: If not None, the bounding box of the primary target
object; passed when we're adding multiple objects, such that we ensure
that the added object obscures the initial view of the primary target
object (which avoiding collision alone cannot guarantee); defined by a
list of the min and max corners
RigidObject: The newly added object
obj_mgr = self._sim.get_object_template_manager()
rigid_mgr = self._sim.get_rigid_object_manager()
# Get first match
obj_handle = obj_mgr.get_template_handles(name)[0]
# Check if we are changing the object scale
scale = tuple(scale)
if scale != (1.0, 1.0, 1.0):
# Get scaled object template
scaled_obj_handle = f"{obj_handle}_scale_{scale}"
scaled_tpl = obj_mgr.get_template_handles(scaled_obj_handle)
if not scaled_tpl:
# Add new template for scaled object
scaled_tpl = obj_mgr.get_template_by_handle(obj_handle)
scaled_tpl.scale *= mn.Vector3d(*scale)
obj_mgr.register_template(scaled_tpl, scaled_obj_handle)
obj_handle = scaled_obj_handle
obj_handle = scaled_tpl[0]
obj = rigid_mgr.add_object_by_template_handle(obj_handle)
# Update pose
obj.translation = position
if isinstance(rotation, (list, tuple)):
rotation = np.quaternion(*rotation)
obj.rotation = sim_utils.quat_to_magnum(rotation)
if object_to_avoid:
assert (
), "Sim-level physics must be enabled to support collision detection"
# Temporarily enable *object* physics for collision detection
obj.motion_type = habitat_sim.physics.MotionType.DYNAMIC
obj = self.find_non_colliding_positions(
# Update object-specific physics
# This physics setting will persist into the environment e.g. during inference
if enable_physics:
obj.motion_type = habitat_sim.physics.MotionType.DYNAMIC
# Set the motion-type to kinematic
# (i.e. only a user-specified force/motion will affect the object), rather
# than dynamic (i.e. object subject to forces like gravity, friction, and
# collision detection according to physics simulations)
obj.motion_type = habitat_sim.physics.MotionType.KINEMATIC
# Update semantic id
if semantic_id is not None:
# Override default semantic id
obj.semantic_id = semantic_id
# Update semantic ID for primitive types
obj.semantic_id = PRIMITIVE_OBJECT_TYPES[name]
elif obj_handle in PRIMITIVE_OBJECT_TYPES:
# Update semantic ID for primitive types
obj.semantic_id = PRIMITIVE_OBJECT_TYPES[obj_handle]
# Compare the intended number of objects added (counter) vs the number
# instantiated in the Habitat environmnet
self._object_counter += 1
num_objects_added = self.get_num_objects()
if isinstance(num_objects_added, int):
# In some units tests (e.g. MontyRunTest.test_main_with_single_experiment),
# a simulator mock object is used, and so self.get_num_objects does not
# return a meaningful int, but instead another mock object
# TODO make this test more robust and move to its own unit test
assert self._object_counter == num_objects_added, "Not all objects added"
return obj
[docs] def non_conflicting_vector(self):
"""Find a non-conflicting vector.
A non-conflicting vector avoids sampling directions that will be just in front
of or behind a target object.
np.array: The non-conflicting vector
angle_ranges = [
(0, 30),
# Forbidden 120 degrees
(150, 180),
(180, 210),
# Forbidden 120 degrees
(330, 360),
# Choose which angle range to use
selected_range = self.np_rng.choice(np.array(angle_ranges))
angle_z = self.np_rng.uniform(selected_range[0], selected_range[1])
z = np.sin(np.deg2rad(angle_z))
x = self.np_rng.choice([-1.0, 1.0])
return np.array([x, 0, z])
[docs] def check_viewpoint_collision(
"""Check if the object being added overlaps in the x-axis with target.
The object overlapping the primary target object risks obstructing the initial
view of the agent at the start of the experiment.
Recall that +z is out of the page, where the agent starts facing in the -z
direction at the beginning of the episode; +y is the up vector, and +x is the
right-ward direction
primary_obj_bb: the bounding box of the primary target in the scene
new_obj_bb: the bounding box fo the new object being added
overlap_threshold: The threshold for overlap. Defaults to 0.75.
bool: True if the overlap is greater than overlap_threshold; 1.0 corresponds
to total overlap (the primary target is potentially not visible)
primary_start, primary_end = primary_obj_bb[0][0], primary_obj_bb[1][0]
new_start, new_end = new_obj_bb[0][0], new_obj_bb[1][0]
overlap_start = max(primary_start, new_start)
overlap_end = min(primary_end, new_end)
if overlap_start >= overlap_end:
return False # 0.0 percent overlap
overlap_length = overlap_end - overlap_start
primary_length = primary_end - primary_start
overlap_proportion = overlap_length / primary_length
return overlap_proportion > overlap_threshold
[docs] def find_non_colliding_positions(
"""Find a position for the object being added.
The criteria are such that the object does not:
i) have a physical collision with other objects (i.e. collision meshes
ii) "collide" with the initial view of the primary target object, i.e. obscure
the ability of the agent to start on the primary target at the beginning of an
new_object: The object being added
start_position: The starting position of the new object
start_orientation: The initial orientation of the new object
primary_obj_bb: Bounding box of the primary target object (list of two
defining corners)
max_distance: The maximum distance to attempt moving the new object
step_size: The step size for moving the new object
The newly added object (position updated)
RuntimeError: If failed to find a non-colliding position
direction = self.non_conflicting_vector()
direction /= np.linalg.norm(direction)
# Move the second object along the direction vector until they no longer collide
for distance in np.arange(0, max_distance, step_size):
obj_pos = start_position + distance * direction
new_object.translation = obj_pos
# Extract updated bounding box of new object being added
min_corner, max_corner = get_bounding_corners(new_object)
# Step the physics simulation to allow objects to settle and compute
# collisions
self._sim.step_physics(0.0001) # 0.0001 appears to be the smallest possible
# time step
physical_collision = self._sim.contact_test(new_object.object_id)
if physical_collision:
# Reset the pose of the object if any collision, as the physics
# timestep can cause the object to rotate from this
new_object.rotation = sim_utils.quat_to_magnum(start_orientation)
viewpoint_collision = self.check_viewpoint_collision(
primary_obj_bb=primary_obj_bb, new_obj_bb=[min_corner, max_corner]
if not physical_collision and not viewpoint_collision:
# No collision, so not necessary to reset the pose
return new_object
raise RuntimeError("Failed to find non-colliding positions")
[docs] def get_num_objects(self):
"""Return the number of instantiated objects."""
rigid_mgr = self._sim.get_rigid_object_manager()
return rigid_mgr.get_num_objects()
[docs] def get_action_space(self):
"""Returns a set with all available actions.
All available actions are those registered by all agents in the
return set(self._action_space)
[docs] def get_agent(self, agent_id):
"""Return habitat agent instance."""
agent_index = self._agent_id_to_index[agent_id]
return self._sim.get_agent(agent_index)
[docs] def apply_action(self, action: Action) -> Dict[str, Dict]:
"""Execute given action in the environment.
action: The action to execute
A dictionary with the observations grouped by agent_id
ValueError: If the action name is invalid
action_name = self.action_name(action)
if action_name not in self._action_space:
raise ValueError(f"Invalid action name: {action_name}")
observations = self.get_observations()
return observations
[docs] def get_observations(self):
"""Get sensor observations.
dict: A dictionary with all sensor observations grouped by sensor module.
For example:
"agent1": {
"sensor1": {
"rgba": [....],
"depth": [....],
"agent2": {
"rgba": [....],
"depth": [....],
agent_indices = range(len(self._agents))
obs = self._sim.get_sensor_observations(agent_ids=agent_indices)
obs = self.process_observations(obs)
return obs
[docs] def process_observations(self, obs):
"""Habitat returns observations grouped by agent_index.
Initially, we group observations by agent_id instead and call all agents
to further process the observations.
obs: The observations to process
dict: The processed observations grouped by agent_id
processed_obs = defaultdict(dict)
for agent_index, agent_obs in obs.items():
agent = self._agents[agent_index]
agent_id = self._agents[agent_index].agent_id
processed_obs[agent_id] = agent.process_observations(agent_obs)
return processed_obs
[docs] def get_states(self):
"""Get agent and sensor states (position, rotation, etc..).
dict: A dictionary with the agent pose in world coordinates and any other
agent specific state as well as every sensor pose relative to the agent
as well as any sensor specific state that is not returned by
For example:
"camera": {
"position": [2.125, 1.5, -5.278],
"rotation": [0.707107, 0.0, 0.0.707107, 0.0],
"sensors" : {
"rgba": {
"position": [0.0, 1.5, 0.0],
"rotation": [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
"depth": {
"position": [0.0, 1.5, 0.0],
"rotation": [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
result = {}
for agent_index, sim_agent in enumerate(self._sim.agents):
# Get agent and sensor poses from simulator
agent_node = sim_agent.scene_node
sensors = {}
for sensor_id, sensor in agent_node.node_sensors.items():
rotation = sim_utils.quat_from_magnum(sensor.node.rotation)
sensors[sensor_id] = {
"position": sensor.node.translation,
"rotation": rotation,
# Update agent/module state
agent_id = self._agents[agent_index].agent_id
rotation = sim_utils.quat_from_magnum(agent_node.rotation)
result[agent_id] = {
"position": agent_node.translation,
"rotation": rotation,
"sensors": sensors,
return result
[docs] def reset(self):
# All agents managed by this simulator
agent_indices = range(len(self._agents))
obs = self._sim.reset(agent_ids=agent_indices)
obs = self.process_observations(obs)
return obs
[docs] def close(self):
"""Close simulator and release resources."""
sim = getattr(self, "_sim", None)
if sim is not None:
self._sim = None
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):