Source code for tbp.monty.simulators.habitat.environment

# Copyright 2025 Thousand Brains Project
# Copyright 2022-2024 Numenta Inc.
# Copyright may exist in Contributors' modifications
# and/or contributions to the work.
# Use of this source code is governed by the MIT
# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at

from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass, is_dataclass
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Type, Union

from tbp.monty.frameworks.actions.actions import Action
from tbp.monty.frameworks.environments.embodied_environment import (
from tbp.monty.frameworks.utils.dataclass_utils import create_dataclass_args
from tbp.monty.simulators.habitat import (
from tbp.monty.simulators.habitat.environment_utils import get_bounding_corners

__all__ = [

# Create agent and object configuration helper dataclasses

# ObjectConfig dataclass based on the arguments of `HabitatSim.add_object` method
ObjectConfig = create_dataclass_args("ObjectConfig", HabitatSim.add_object)
ObjectConfig.__module__ = __name__

# FIXME: Using HabitatAgent constructor as base class will cause the `make_dataclass`
#        function to throw the following exception:
#        `TypeError: non-default argument 'sensor_id' follows default argument`
#        For now, we will just use plain empty class for HabitaAgentArgs
# HabitatAgentArgs = create_dataclass_args("HabitatAgentArgs", HabitatAgent.__init__)
class HabitatAgentArgs:

# SingleSensorAgentArgs dataclass based on constructor args
SingleSensorAgentArgs = create_dataclass_args(
    "SingleSensorAgentArgs", SingleSensorAgent.__init__, HabitatAgentArgs
SingleSensorAgentArgs.__module__ = __name__

# MultiSensorAgentArgs dataclass based on constructor args
MultiSensorAgentArgs = create_dataclass_args(
    "MultiSensorAgentArgs", MultiSensorAgent.__init__, HabitatAgentArgs
MultiSensorAgentArgs.__module__ = __name__

[docs]@dataclass class AgentConfig: """Agent configuration used by :class:`HabitatEnvironment`.""" agent_type: Type[HabitatAgent] agent_args: Union[dict, Type[HabitatAgentArgs]]
[docs]class HabitatActionSpace(tuple, ActionSpace): """`ActionSpace` wrapper for Habitat's `AgentConfiguration`. Wraps :class:`habitat_sim.agent.AgentConfiguration` action space as monty :class:`.ActionSpace`. """
[docs] def sample(self): return self.rng.choice(self)
[docs]class HabitatEnvironment(EmbodiedEnvironment): """habitat-sim environment compatible with Monty. Attributes: agents: List of :class:`AgentConfig` to place in the scene. objects: Optional list of :class:`ObjectConfig` to place in the scene. scene_id: Scene to use or None for empty environment. seed: Simulator seed to use data_path: Path to the dataset. """ def __init__( self, agents: List[Union[dict, AgentConfig]], objects: Optional[List[Union[dict, ObjectConfig]]] = None, scene_id: Optional[str] = None, seed: int = 42, data_path: Optional[str] = None, ): super().__init__() self._agents = [] for config in agents: if is_dataclass(config): config = asdict(config) agent_type = config["agent_type"] args = config["agent_args"] if is_dataclass(args): args = asdict(args) agent = agent_type(**args) self._agents.append(agent) self._env = HabitatSim( agents=self._agents, scene_id=scene_id, seed=seed, data_path=data_path, ) if objects is not None: for obj in objects: if is_dataclass(obj): obj = asdict(obj) self._env.add_object(**obj) @property def action_space(self): return HabitatActionSpace(self._env.get_action_space())
[docs] def add_object( self, name: str, position: VectorXYZ = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), rotation: QuaternionWXYZ = (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), scale: VectorXYZ = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0), semantic_id: Optional[str] = None, enable_physics: Optional[bool] = False, object_to_avoid=False, primary_target_object=None, ): primary_target_bb = None if primary_target_object is not None: # TODO It may be worth memoizing this result. If we are adding multiple # objects to the scene, we may be calling this function multiple times # for the same primary target object. min_corner, max_corner = get_bounding_corners(primary_target_object) primary_target_bb = [min_corner, max_corner] return self._env.add_object( name, position, rotation, scale, semantic_id, enable_physics, object_to_avoid, primary_target_bb=primary_target_bb, )
[docs] def step(self, action: Action) -> Dict[str, Dict]: return self._env.apply_action(action)
[docs] def remove_all_objects(self): return self._env.remove_all_objects()
[docs] def reset(self): return self._env.reset()
[docs] def close(self): _env = getattr(self, "_env", None) if _env is not None: _env.close() self._env = None
[docs] def get_state(self): return self._env.get_states()