# Copyright 2025 Thousand Brains Project
# Copyright 2021-2024 Numenta Inc.
# Copyright may exist in Contributors' modifications
# and/or contributions to the work.
# Use of this source code is governed by the MIT
# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
# https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.
import numpy as np
import quaternion as qt
import scipy
__all__ = [
[docs]class MissingToMaxDepth:
"""Return max depth when no mesh is present at a location.
Habitat depth sensors return 0 when no mesh is present at a location. Instead,
return max_depth. See:
https://github.com/facebookresearch/habitat-sim/issues/1157 for discussion.
def __init__(self, agent_id, max_depth, threshold=0):
"""Initialize the transform.
agent_id: agent id of the agent where the transform should be applied.
max_depth: numeric that will replace missing
threshold: (optional) numeric, anything less than this is counted as
missing. Defaults to 0.
self.agent_id = agent_id
self.max_depth = max_depth
self.threshold = threshold
self.needs_rng = False
def __call__(self, observation, state=None):
"""Replace missing depth values with max_depth.
observation: observation to modify in place.
state: not used.
observation, same as input, with missing data modified in place
# loop over sensor modules
for sm in observation[self.agent_id].keys():
m = np.where(observation[self.agent_id][sm]["depth"] <= self.threshold)
observation[self.agent_id][sm]["depth"][m] = self.max_depth
return observation
[docs]class AddNoiseToRawDepthImage:
"""Add gaussian noise to raw sensory input."""
def __init__(self, agent_id, sigma):
"""Initialize the transform.
agent_id: agent id of the agent where the transform should be applied.
Transform will be applied to all depth sensors of the agent.
sigma: standard deviation of noise distribution.
self.agent_id = agent_id
self.sigma = sigma
self.needs_rng = True
def __call__(self, observation, state=None):
"""Add gaussian noise to raw sensory input.
observation: observation to modify in place.
state: not used.
observation, same as input, with added gaussian noise to depth values.
Exception: if no depth sensor is present.
# loop over sensor modules
for sm in observation[self.agent_id].keys():
if "depth" in observation[self.agent_id][sm].keys():
noise = self.rng.normal(
observation[self.agent_id][sm]["depth"] += noise
raise Exception("NO DEPTH SENSOR PRESENT. Don't use this transform")
return observation
[docs]class GaussianSmoothing:
"""Deals with gaussian noise on the raw depth image.
This transform is designed to deal with gaussian noise on the raw depth
image. It remains to be tested whether it will also help with the kind of noise
in a real-world depth camera.
def __init__(self, agent_id, sigma=2, kernel_width=3):
"""Initialize the transform.
agent_id: agent id of the agent where the transform should be applied.
Transform will be applied to all depth sensors of the agent.
sigma: sigma of gaussian smoothing kernel. Default is 2.
kernel_width: width of the smoothing kernel. Default is 3.
self.agent_id = agent_id
self.sigma = sigma
self.kernel_width = kernel_width
self.pad_size = kernel_width // 2
self.kernel = self.create_kernel()
self.needs_rng = False
def __call__(self, observation, state=None):
"""Apply gaussian smoothing to depth images.
observation: observation to modify in place.
state: not used.
observation, same as input, with smoothed depth values.
Exception: if no depth sensor is present.
# loop over sensor modules
for sm in observation[self.agent_id].keys():
if "depth" in observation[self.agent_id][sm].keys():
depth_img = observation[self.agent_id][sm]["depth"].copy()
padded_img = self.get_padded_img(depth_img, pad_type="edge")
filtered_img = scipy.signal.convolve(
padded_img, self.kernel, mode="valid"
observation[self.agent_id][sm]["depth"] = filtered_img
raise Exception("NO DEPTH SENSOR PRESENT. Don't use this transform")
return observation
[docs] def create_kernel(self):
"""Create a normalized gaussian kernel.
normalized gaussian kernel. Array of size (kernel_width, kernel_width).
x = np.linspace(-self.pad_size, self.pad_size, self.kernel_width)
kernel_1d = (
/ (np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) * self.sigma)
* np.exp(-np.square(x) / (2 * self.sigma**2))
kernel_2d = np.outer(kernel_1d, kernel_1d)
return kernel_2d / np.sum(kernel_2d)
[docs] def get_padded_img(self, img, pad_type="edge"):
if pad_type == "edge":
padded_img = np.pad(img.astype(float), pad_width=self.pad_size, mode="edge")
elif pad_type == "empty":
padded_img = np.pad(
return padded_img
[docs] def conv2d(self, img, kernel_renorm=False):
"""Apply a 2D convolution to the image.
img: 2D image to be filtered.
kernel_renorm: flag that specifies whether kernel values should be
renormalized (based on the number on non-NaN values in image window).
filtered version of the input image.
[n_rows, n_cols] = img.shape
filtered_img = img[
self.pad_size : (n_rows - self.pad_size),
self.pad_size : (n_cols - self.pad_size),
# TODO: Investigate vectorizing this
for i in range(n_rows - self.kernel_width + 1):
for j in range(n_cols - self.kernel_width + 1):
# Extracts image subset to be averaged out by the smoothing kernel.
# Identify indices of non-NaN values, and sum the corresponding kernel
# weights to get the normalization factor.
img_subset = img[i : i + self.kernel_width, j : j + self.kernel_width]
mask = ~np.isnan(img_subset)
norm_factor = np.sum(mask * self.kernel) if kernel_renorm else 1.0
normalized_kernel = self.kernel / norm_factor
filtered_img[i, j] = np.nansum(normalized_kernel * img_subset)
return filtered_img
[docs]class DepthTo3DLocations:
"""Transform semantic and depth observations from 2D into 3D.
Transform semantic and depth observations from camera coordinate (2D) into
agent (or world) coordinate (3D).
This transform will add the transformed results as a new observation called
"semantic_3d" which will contain the 3d coordinates relative to the agent
(or world) with the semantic ID and 3D location of every object observed::
"semantic_3d" : [
# x-pos , y-pos , z-pos , semantic_id
[-0.06000001, 1.56666668, -0.30000007, 25.],
[ 0.06000001, 1.56666668, -0.30000007, 25.],
[-0.06000001, 1.43333332, -0.30000007, 25.],
[ 0.06000001, 1.43333332, -0.30000007, 25.]])
agent_id: Agent ID to get observations from
resolution: Camera resolution (H, W)
zoom: Camera zoom factor. Defaul 1.0 (no zoom)
hfov: Camera HFOV, default 90 degrees
semantic_sensor: Semantic sensor id. Default "semantic"
depth_sensor: Depth sensor id. Default "depth"
world_coord: Whether to return 3D locations in world coordinates.
If enabled, then :meth:`__call__` must be called with
the agent and sensor states in addition to observations.
Default True.
get_all_points: Whether to return all 3D coordinates or only the ones
that land on an object.
depth_clip_sensors: tuple of sensor indices to which to apply a clipping
transform where all values > clip_value are set to
clip_value. Empty tuple ~ apply to none of them.
clip_value: depth parameter for the clipping transform
This transformation is only valid for pinhole cameras
def __init__(
self.needs_rng = False
self.inv_k = []
self.h, self.w = [], []
if isinstance(zooms, (int, float)):
zooms = [zooms] * len(sensor_ids)
if isinstance(hfov, (int, float)):
hfov = [hfov] * len(sensor_ids)
for i, zoom in enumerate(zooms):
# Pinhole camera, focal length fx = fy
hfov[i] = float(hfov[i] * np.pi / 180.0)
fx = np.tan(hfov[i] / 2.0) / zoom
fy = fx
# Adjust fy for aspect ratio
fy = fy * self.h[i] / self.w[i]
# Intrinsic matrix, K
# Assuming skew is 0 for pinhole camera and center at (0,0)
k = np.array(
[1.0 / fx, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
[0.0, 1 / fy, 0.0, 0.0],
[0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0],
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0],
# Inverse K
self.agent_id = agent_id
self.sensor_ids = sensor_ids
self.world_coord = world_coord
self.get_all_points = get_all_points
self.use_semantic_sensor = use_semantic_sensor
self.clip_value = clip_value
self.depth_clip_sensors = depth_clip_sensors
def __call__(self, observations, state=None):
for i, sensor_id in enumerate(self.sensor_ids):
agent_obs = observations[self.agent_id][sensor_id]
if i in self.depth_clip_sensors:
depth_obs = agent_obs["depth"]
# if applying depth clip, then do not use depth for semantic info
# because the depth surface now includes a sheet of pixels all
# set to the clip_value, and this sheet can confuse the
# get_semantic_from_depth function into thinking that it is the object
if self.depth_clip_sensors and self.use_semantic_sensor:
semantic_obs = agent_obs["semantic"]
elif self.use_semantic_sensor:
surface_obs = self.get_semantic_from_depth(depth_obs.copy())
# set pixel to 1 if it is on the main surface and on the object
semantic_obs = agent_obs["semantic"] * surface_obs
semantic_obs = self.get_semantic_from_depth(depth_obs.copy())
# Approximate true world coordinates
x, y = np.meshgrid(
np.linspace(-1, 1, self.w[i]), np.linspace(1, -1, self.h[i])
x = x.reshape(1, self.h[i], self.w[i])
y = y.reshape(1, self.h[i], self.w[i])
# Unproject 2D camera coordinates into 3D coordinates relative to the agent
depth = depth_obs.reshape(1, self.h[i], self.w[i])
xyz = np.vstack((x * depth, y * depth, -depth, np.ones(depth.shape)))
xyz = xyz.reshape(4, -1)
xyz = np.matmul(self.inv_k[i], xyz)
sensor_frame_data = xyz.T.copy()
if self.world_coord and state is not None:
# Get agent and sensor states from state dictionary
agent_state = state[self.agent_id]
depth_state = agent_state["sensors"][sensor_id + ".depth"]
agent_rotation = agent_state["rotation"]
agent_rotation_matrix = qt.as_rotation_matrix(agent_rotation)
agent_position = agent_state["position"]
sensor_rotation = depth_state["rotation"]
sensor_position = depth_state["position"]
# --- Apply camera transformations to get world coordinates ---
# Combine body and sensor rotation (since sensor rotation is relative to
# the agent this will give us the sensor rotation in world coordinates)
sensor_rotation_rel_world = agent_rotation * sensor_rotation
# Calculate sensor position in world coordinates -> sensor_position is
# in the agent's coordinate frame, so we need to rotate it first by
# agent_rotation_matrix and then add it to the agent's position
rotated_sensor_position = agent_rotation_matrix @ sensor_position
sensor_translation_rel_world = agent_position + rotated_sensor_position
# Apply the rotation and translation to get the world coordinates
rotation_matrix = qt.as_rotation_matrix(sensor_rotation_rel_world)
world_camera = np.eye(4)
world_camera[0:3, 0:3] = rotation_matrix
world_camera[0:3, 3] = sensor_translation_rel_world
xyz = np.matmul(world_camera, xyz)
# Add sensor-to-world coordinate frame transform, used for point-normal
# extraction. View direction is the third column of the matrix.
observations[self.agent_id][sensor_id]["world_camera"] = world_camera
# Extract 3D coordinates of detected objects (semantic_id != 0)
semantic = semantic_obs.reshape(1, -1)
if self.get_all_points:
semantic_3d = xyz.transpose(1, 0)
semantic_3d[:, 3] = semantic[0]
sensor_frame_data[:, 3] = semantic[0]
# Add point-cloud data expressed in sensor coordinate frame. Used for
# point-normal extraction
observations[self.agent_id][sensor_id]["sensor_frame_data"] = (
detected = semantic.any(axis=0)
xyz = xyz.transpose(1, 0)
semantic_3d = xyz[detected]
semantic_3d[:, 3] = semantic[0, detected]
# Add transformed observation to existing dict. We don't need to create
# a deepcopy because we are appending a new observation
observations[self.agent_id][sensor_id]["semantic_3d"] = semantic_3d
return observations
[docs] def clip(self, agent_obs):
"""Clip the depth and semantic data that lie beyond a certain depth threshold.
Set the values of 0 (infinite depth) to the clip value.
if "semantic" in agent_obs.keys():
agent_obs["semantic"][agent_obs["depth"] > self.clip_value] = 0
agent_obs["depth"][agent_obs["depth"] > self.clip_value] = self.clip_value
agent_obs["depth"][agent_obs["depth"] == 0] = self.clip_value
[docs] def get_on_surface_th(self, depth_patch, min_depth_range):
"""Return a depth threshold if we have a bimodal depth distribution.
If the depth values are in a large enough range (> min_depth_range) we may
be looking at more than one surface within our patch. This could either be
two disjoint surfaces of the object or the object and the background.
To figure out if we have two disjoint sets of depth values we look at the
histogram and check for empty bins in the middle. The center of the empty
part if the histogram will be defined as the threshold.
Next, we want to check if we should use the depth values above or below the
threshold. Currently this is done by looking which side of the distribution
is larger (occupies more space in the patch). Alternatively we could check
which side the depth at the center of the patch is on. I'm not sure what would
be better.
Lastly, if we do decide to use the depth points that are further away, we need
to make sure they are not the points that are off the object. Currently this is
just done with a simple heuristic (depth difference < 0.1) but in the future we
will probably have to find a better solution for this.
depth_patch: sensor patch observations of depth
min_depth_range: minimum range of depth values to even be considered
threshold and whether we want to use values above or below threshold
depths = np.array(depth_patch).flatten()
flip_sign = False
th = 1000 # just high value
if (max(depths) - min(depths)) > min_depth_range:
# only check for bimodal distribution if we have a large enough
# range in depth values
height, bins = np.histogram(
np.array(depth_patch).flatten(), bins=8, density=False
gap = np.where(height == 0)[0]
if len(gap) > 0:
# There is a bimodal distribution
gap_center = len(gap) // 2
th_id = gap[gap_center]
th = bins[th_id]
# Check which side of the distribution we should use
if np.sum(height[:th_id]) < np.sum(height[th_id:]):
# more points in the patch are on the further away surface
if (bins[-1] - bins[0]) < 0.1:
# not too large distance between depth values -> avoid
# flipping sign when off object
flip_sign = True
return th, flip_sign
[docs] def get_semantic_from_depth(self, depth_patch):
"""Return semantic patch information from heuristics on depth patch.
depth_patch: sensor patch observations of depth
sensor patch shaped info about whether each pixel is on surface of not
# avoid large range when seeing the table (goes up to almost 100 and then
# just using 8 bins will not work anymore)
depth_patch[depth_patch > 1] = 1.0
th, flip_sign = self.get_on_surface_th(depth_patch, min_depth_range=0.01)
if flip_sign is False:
semantic_patch = depth_patch < th
semantic_patch = depth_patch > th
return semantic_patch